This subject has been weighing heavily on my mind, not only because of the recent media blitz on the very tragic loss of a young life, but for all of those who came before her, the ones who are going through it now, and unfortunately, the ones who will be victimized.
Posting stories and anti-bullying chain statuses are not bad things. If they help create awareness among those who previously had not viewed bullying as an issue worthy of action, then it's a very good thing.
Very precious few, however, are posting about what WE can do, as a society, to become more pro-active in the prevention of and helping those who are going through it right now. I don't want Amanda Todd to just turn into the latest tragedy porn, having gotten swept up in the frenzy, then quickly forgotten.
What is very disturbing to me is seeing some of the comments posted either on her youtube video, Twitter or Facebook: ridiculing her for being (and excuse my language) a stupid bitch who deserved everything she got. Getting highly pissed off and thinking society is fucked up for even giving that young girl attention - that only "the pretty ones or the deformed ones" get attention but no one gives a shit about all the others; "she was the one who flashed her titties, so who gives a shit?"... You know, I can see where the anger comes from, I really do, but saying "fuck society" and "fuck Amanda Todd" - what does that solve??? NOTHING!
It takes a village. I truly believe in that adage. We are our brothers' keeper. I truly believe in that too. Will we solve all the world's woes? I can't answer that, I haven't been gifted to see the future. But I do know this, if I don't take a stand, this vicious cycle will continue. If I DO take a stand , and ONE life is saved, even ONE.. just imagine what we all will be able to accomplish if we choose to take action.
Take the time to learn the signs of suicide. Take the time to pay attention to those around you. Maybe join an organization and donate some of your time. Whatever it is you do, do it. Walk the walk.
The above links are but a few resources for all of us to take a look at. Look into your own community, brainstorm ideas etc. WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE.
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